Top 3 Tonkatsu Restaurants for Lunch in Ginza
1 不二さん 7丁目。数量限定のお魚ミックスフライは800円。その日によっておさかなが変わるのも嬉しいポイント。午後13時からはミックスフライが800円とまたまた庶民には嬉しい。現金のみ。
1. Fuji-san (不二さん) – Ginza 7-Chome
- Description: Known for its limited-quantity Mixed Fish Fry set, Fuji-san serves a delightful lunch for just ¥800. The types of fish vary daily, adding a nice element of surprise for regulars. After 1:00 PM, the Mixed Fry set is still available for ¥800, making it a budget-friendly option for everyone.
- Special Notes: Cash only.

2 とんきさん 6丁目 こちらも地下。料理評論家の山本益弘さん絶賛のカツ丼をはじめ、カツのセットがあります。おすすめはコロッケです。現金のみ。
2. Tonki-san (とんきさん) – Ginza 6-Chome
- Description: Located underground, Tonki-san is praised by renowned food critic Masuhiro Yamamoto for its delicious Katsu-don (pork cutlet rice bowl). The restaurant also offers a variety of tonkatsu sets, with the croquette being a standout recommendation.
- Special Notes: Cash only.

3 梅林さん 7丁目 地下のお店。長いカウンターから調理場が見渡せる安心。清潔で女性の制服姿が見女麗しく、外人さんに特に人気。昼時は行列しています。お米は山形県のブランド米のつや姫。美味しすぎます。
3. Bairin-san (梅林さん) – Ginza 7-Chome
- Description: This underground restaurant features a long counter overlooking the kitchen, providing a clean and inviting atmosphere. The staff in their elegant uniforms add to the refined vibe, making it especially popular with international visitors. Expect a line during lunchtime! The rice served is the premium “Tsuyahime” brand from Yamagata Prefecture, adding a touch of exquisite flavor to every meal.
- Special Notes: Highly popular; be prepared for a wait during peak hours.